Bluetooth V4.1 BLE Active RFID Tag for RTLS, IOT, WSN

Bluetooth V4.1 BLE Active RFID Tag
(Model: BLE-T)
應用:室內定位, Beacon廣播站, 物流追蹤, 人員追蹤, 安防系統, 防盜系統, 資產管理與安全管理, 醫院, 學校, 坑道, 礦坑, 工廠, 老人或小孩追蹤, 跌倒警告, 貨物追蹤, 棧板追蹤, 包裹追蹤, 行李追蹤
The active RFID reader are designed by Bluetooth
V4.1 BLE technology. The tag will broadcast the
UUID and customized message, we call the packet.
The receiving side, the reader, will sense the packet comes from the TX
side. The RS-232 interface will be integrated with the WiFi or Ethernet
gateway to transmit the packet to the control center.
Location system: Asset, Passenger, Patient, Trailer
Access control: Garage, Enterprises, Bank, Vehicle, Factory, Hospital,
Superstore, School, Warehouse
Logistic management, Cargo tracking, Airport baggage management
Local Area Real Time Location Systems (RTLS)
Asset Management, Internet of Things (IOT) applications
Frequency band: 2.4GHz ISM ( 2.40000 – 2.4835GHz)
Microcontroller: 32-bit ARM Cortex M0 ,Nordic(TM) Solution
On-air data rate: 250 kbps, 1 Mbps or 2 Mbps
Modulation: GFSK
Output power: Programmable: +4 to -20dBm in 4dB steps
-93dBm Bluetooth low energy
-96dBm at 250kb
-90dBm at 1Mbs
-85dBm at 2Mbs
Radio current consumption LDO at 1.8V:
16mA – TX at +4dBM output power
10.5mA – TX at 0dBm output power
13mA – RX at 1Mbs
Radio current consumption DC-DC at 3V:
10.5mA – TX at +4dBm output power
8.1mA – TX at 0dBm output power
9.5mA – RX at 1Mbs
System current consumption:
420nA – No RAM retention
530nA - 8k RAM retention
2μA – All peripherals in IDLE mode
Hardware Security: 128-bit AES ECB/CCM/AAR co-processor
Reader UART is fixed at 115200,8,N,1
Default Tag Adv Period: 1000 ms
Panic Mode Tag Adv Period: 300 ms
Test Video:
檔案下載:Active RFID Tag Datasheet