
IOT, WSN : High Power Zigbee RS-232, DIO & AI adapter

Zigbee RS232 converter

3 in 1 High Power Zigbee RS-232, DIO & AI adapter

(Switch for Coordinator, Router and end End device)

TI CC2530 + CC2591 Solution, Support Mesh Network

Support High Power, Long range, Serial Port, Digital I/O, ADC

高功率長距離Zigbee RS-232及DI/O,AI傳輸器,TI CC2530,指撥開關切換Coordinator/Router/Device



高功率長距離Zigbee RS-232及DI/O,AI傳輸器


台灣製造, 提供技術支援及售後服務


TI CC2530方案, Zigbee Pro Stack




1. 3 in 1 firmware: Coordinator, Router and end Device

2. TI CC2530 + 2591, High power mode

3. Support Serial Port, Digital I/O and Analog Input interfaces:

4 Digital I/O:

Remote control logic high (MIN 2.4V), low (MAX 0.5V).

Output drives capability 20mA. , Max Voltage 3.3V.

5. Analog Input(ADC): Max Voltage 3.3V, 8bit- resolution



1. Home automation, building automation

2. Cable replacement

3. SCADA system, Wireless sensor network, Internet of Things

4. Robot, unmanned carrier

5. PDA, POS, receipt printer, bar code reader, RFID, card reader

6. Power meter, Smart energy, Green power, LED light



1. Solution: TI CC 2530 + CC 2591 (High power)

2. Coverage: 300~500 m (High power) (The actual distance is depend on the real

environment and the antenna. For reference only)

3. Tx. Power: 18 dBm (High power)

4. Rx. Sensitivity (Nominal): -95 dBm (High power)

5. Baud Rate: Supports 1.2/2.4/4.8/9.6/19.2/38.4/57.6/115.2/230.4 Kbps

6. Connection: Point to Multi-points

7. UART Interface: TxD, RxD, GND, CTS/RTS

8. RS-232 Interface: D_SUB 9-pin female

9. Standard: 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee Pro Stack

10. Data rate: 250Kbps

11. Data Bit: 8 bit

12. Frequency: 2.4GHz~2.5 GHz

13. Modulation: DSSS

14. Antenna: 2dBi dipole

15. Power Supply: Mini USB, 5VDC

16. RF characters:

Receiver Sensitivity: -95 dBm

Frequency Error Tolerance: -50~+50 KHz

Output Power (High Power): +18 dBm

EVM: 30 %

17. Operation Temperature: -20°C to +75°C


Remark: All contents are subject to change without notice.


Mesh Network:

Max. 20 nodes @ 1st level under the coordinator, Max. 4 routers in the 20 nodes

Max. 20 nodes @ 2nd level under each router @ level 1, Max. 4 routers in the 20 nodes

Max. 20 nodes @ 3rd level under each router @ level 2, Max. 4 routers in the 20 nodes

Max. 20 nodes @ 4th level under each router @ level 3, Max. 4 routers in the 20 nodes

Max. 20 end devices @ 5th level under each router @ level 4

Max. 4 hoppings between the coordinator to the end device

檔案下載:Zigbee RS-232 adapter user manual

Zigbee Mesh NetworkManagement softwareAPI, Application Interface